
Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Ric-Rac Road - Fabric Houses - Zemphira Style

So, I started making little fabric houses and now I cannot stop. I think I might turn them into ornaments - or something to hang. I made the little Red Riding hood one first, then the gnome, and then of course I HAD to make an owl hut.

I created some larger ones to decorate my craft room. More are on the way.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Fabric Cards Full of Love.

I opened up an Etsy shop because I love to create - I get on crafting kicks where I make several of whatever it is I am working on at the time: dream catchers, totes, art dolls, pajamas, memory quilts, necklaces, snack bags... these creations pile up. My family can only handle so many of my handmade one of a kind pieces of art work! But then once I did open up my shop, had orders to work on found I didn't have time to make those matching doll outfits for my daughter, stamp out a quick card , or create a special art doll for someone I was thinking about. This year for Mother's Day I finally got back at it - creating something for someone I loved. Here is the fabric card I made for my mom- as you can see, I am still excited about the Japanese fabric. Oh, and I also made her a set of pot holders.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Cinco de Mayo Challenge

Te Amo Mucho.

I am a member of the Etsy OWLS street team. This team has provided me with support, laughs, and constructive criticism for almost 2 years. One of the main reasons I joined an Etsy team was to keep my creativity in motion. Our team has a monthly challenge, and when I find the time, I always enjoy creating a piece specifically for a challenge. This month's challenge was a Cinco de Mayo challenge. It was kind of a spur of the moment entry for me. The piece had to be somehow related to Mexico. I have been having a lot of fun making snappy purses and I found the perfect Frida Kahlo fabric to use. I'm not quite sure what we get if we win the challenge, but I am happy I entered this one. If you feel like taking a peek at the other entries and checking out the team blog click here.

This particular cut of fabric also reminds me of a song my dad plays... can you guess what song I am talking about?