Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!

How to confuse my children... make their Halloween costumes 5 days before Halloween.  Usually we are working on costumes right up until the first trick-o-treater comes to our door (I am ferociously working, as I'm being barked at by a little one as to how: THAT IS NOT HOW BAT WINGS LOOK!).  Seriously, that's how it usually goes.  Not this year.  I got 3 of the four costumes done a good 5 days early!  And the following 5 days were followed by a bombardment of questions as to why we weren't going door to door that night.
The Monster Mash!
Now it's no secret that owls have been an important part of our lives the past few years.  My daughters each wanted to be an owlie.  And thanks to the encouragement and inspiration from my Etsy OWLS teammate. Squarejane, they were the perfect little hoots!

The first-grade-smile owl
Hazel sat on the set next to her "owl pumpkin" hooting the night away
Another current house obsession is bats.  Thanks to my 5 year old son, we have learned a lot about bats, made bat-houses, been to bat festivals, crafted up a lot of bats, and made at least 2 official bat costumes.
The flying fox fruit bat
The Monster Mash song is a very popular tune around our household, Halloween or no Halloween - hence our little Frankenstein.  I hope you had a Happy Halloween.  I must say I had a lot of fun making costumes this year - who knows what Handmade goodness I will be pushed into next year (the count down has already started)!

1 comment:

Jingle said...

The costumes are fabulous and I'm so impressed that you make them! They look adorable!